
Saving energy doesn't have to be a challenge, 只存1个,000 kilowatt-hours means shaving $100 off your energy bill, so even small changes add up to big savings. PSE有许多专门设计的程序,以帮助抵消升级业务以提高能效的成本,我们鼓励您在以下网站查看它们 zqzhiye.com/mybusiness.

与此同时, 和 to get your business started on its energy-efficiency journey, 这里有一些简单的低成本和无成本的建议,可以帮助你节省能源,提高你的底线. Explore the sections below to learn how you can start taking control of your energy bill.

  • 行为和操作

    这似乎令人惊讶, but simple changes to behavior 和 daily operations can save significant energy. 这里有一些建议.

    • 减少能源使用最简单的方法是确保在不需要的时候关闭设备. Visit your building outside of normal business hours to note temperatures, lights 和 sounds to find ways to reduce unnecessary energy usage.
    • 创建一个检查表或招募志愿者作为能源监控,以确保设备和恒温器设置正确,当你打开和关闭之前.
    • Many electronics draw power even when turned off. 使用先进的电源插线板来关闭诸如打印机之类的插入式设备,从而避免浪费能源, 监控, 电脑外围设备, 饮水机和咖啡机.
    • 最常见的办公设备, 比如电脑和打印机, 有能源管理软件,应该用来减少你的设备的能源使用多达一半, 每年节省高达75美元.
    • Many stores have electronic displays that are left on even when the store is closed. 考虑在关闭时间关闭显示器,手动或使用简单的计时器.
    • Refrigerated vending machines typically operate 24/7. 计时器或占用传感器可以大大节省成本,因为它们允许机器仅在客户在场或压缩机必须运行以保持产品在所需温度时才启动.
    • When it’s time to replace or add equipment, consider 能源之星®认证的型号. 从电话到自动售货机,60多种产品都采用了高效模式.
  • 采暖、通风、制冷

    也被称为“暖通空调”, this is where most energy use can be found in a typical business (foodservice excluded). 这些操作可以帮助减轻这种负担.

    • To reduce energy use 和 avoid costly repairs, get a professional to service your heating 和 cooling systems annually.
    • 在整个采暖季节,定期清洁或更换炉子或热泵过滤器——大约每两个月一次.
    • Keep areas in front of baseboard 和 wall heaters, room registers 和 return air grills clean 和 clear of any objects that block airflow.
    • A lot of energy can escape from gaps around doors, 在装货码头, 进出冷藏空间. Regularly check 和 seal gaps in door seals 和 make sure employees keep the doors closed.
    • 在温暖的天气里, blinds can block direct sunlight 和 reduce cooling needs; in the winter, opening the blinds on south-facing windows will let in sunlight to help heat the space.
    • 确保你的供暖和制冷温度与每个季度建筑物被占用的时间相协调. Programmable thermostats can make temperature setbacks a reliable option. 在下班前一小时将暖通空调系统调回或关闭,应该足以满足您在一天结束时的业务需求.
    • 确保仓库的暖通空调设置, offices 和 other peripheral rooms are at minimum settings. 如果你有脚板加热器, 在没有人的房间里,把恒温器调低或关闭,并关门(如果你有炉子或热泵,不要这样做)。.
    • 窗式空调是耗能大户. 考虑安装一个定时器,当你不在家的时候关掉它,并在你预计返回前30分钟重新打开它.
    • 检查加热和冷却系统冷凝器盘管,因为碎片可能会聚集并导致更高的账单. 每月掸掉这些线圈上的灰尘, 和 thoroughly wash the coils at the beginning 和 end of the cooling season.

    For more information about PSE’s various 暖通空调 programs visit zqzhiye.com/commercialhvac.

  • 照明


    • Replace inc和escent lighting with DesignLights Consortium (DLC) or ENERGY STAR qualified light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs 和 fixtures, particularly in areas you use most. LED灯泡比白炽灯泡使用至少少80%的能源,同时寿命长达25年.
    • 选择合适的灯泡 每个房间. LED灯泡有多种形状, 大小, brightness 和 color temperature to suit nearly every fixture.
    • 清洁照明装置和灯泡,以确保它们继续按设计工作,并为工人提供可接受的照明水平.
    • 尽可能利用采光,减少对电灯的需求,改善空间的氛围. 通过增加百叶窗和灯光的自动化,采光控制可以使这更容易.
    • Install occupancy lighting sensors in frequently unoccupied areas such as restrooms, 储藏区或休息室.

    For more information about specific lighting programs available from PSE visit zqzhiye.com/commerciallighting.

  • Being mindful of your water use can potentially affect multiple utility bills, 包括水, 下水道, 电, 还有天然气.

    • 滴0的冷水漏.2 gallons per minute will waste more than 100,000 gallons in one year 和 cost $700 in wasted water alone. 类似大小的热水泄漏每年浪费的水和能源可高达1700美元. 再加上额外的废水/下水道成本,这些泄漏应该很快成为当务之急.
    • Consider reducing water heater temperatures where it’s not needed for health or safety. For general water use, a temperature setpoint of 120°F is usually sufficient.
    • 低流量水龙头和莲蓬头, as well as sink 和 shower controllers that automatically shut off, can help conserve water 和 the energy used to heat water.
    • 使用自动关闭水龙头, 单温装置和带暂停控制的低流量淋浴头,减少浴室和健身室的热水浪费.
    • 饮水机一般不需要24小时提供冰水,除非出于健康原因需要. In most cases, you can turn off the cooling systems in drinking fountains.
  • 餐饮和住宿设施

    It’s important to know where every dollar is spent in your restaurant or hotel, 你的水电费账单似乎是一个令人惊讶的地方,可以寻找可以极大地影响你的底线的节省. 在餐馆里, 节省的每一美元相当于20美元的食品销售,你可以在其他任何地方使用,而无需更换劳动力, 伙食费或其他固定费用. Take some of the steps below 和 those savings 和 profits will really start to add up.

    • 为员工制定一份节电活动清单(比如关灯), 调回恒温器, 打开和关闭设备),并让总经理或厨房经理负责检查清单. 对你的团队负责.
    • 在厨房里, equipment should be turned on for preheating no more than 15 minutes before it is needed. 减少厨房电器的操作时间可以减少与烹饪相关的能源消耗(占你天然气账单的一半以上)高达60%.
    • 空转设备会让你花钱. Turning off various pieces can really add up. 看看这些年度数据:
      • 炸锅大约有75%的时间处于闲置状态. Turning one fryer off for as little as four hours can save you $150. 有备用炸锅吗? Turning it off unless you absolutely need it can save you $900!
      • Switching off your broiler for one hour can save $400.
      • Turning a high-temperature dishwasher off at night can save up to $500.
    • 而不是反复修理设备, 在他们最终失败之前, learn about PSE’s rebates so you can be ready in case of emergency. 的回扣, 增加了能源和水的节约, 可以帮助支付升级的设备,你将继续节省多年的水电费账单,因为他们的运作.
    • 优化制冷系统:
      • Set refrigerator temperatures between 35° 和 38°F 和 freezers between –14° 和 –8°F. Energy is wasted if settings drift too low, so check them periodically.
      • 检查和更换冰箱门上磨损的密封件和垫圈,检查闭门器是否正常工作.
      • Walk-in units lose cold air when doors are opened. Adding strip curtains to the doors catch that cold air (but they must reach the floor). A 250 square-foot walk-in can save more than $300 per year by just adding strip curtains.
    • The right pre-rinse sprayer can save you energy 和 water. 许多喷雾器使用高达5加仑每分钟(gpm),但低流量喷雾器限制流量1.6 GPM同时增加压力, still giving you the cleaning power you need while saving you money. 低流量喷雾器是一个最小的投资,典型的回报不到两个月.
    • Lodging-specific小贴士:
      • 走廊的灯是全天候亮着的. 尽可能增加天窗和采光,或者在白天将它们调暗到30%.
      • 指导前台员工在集群中预订房间,以最大限度地提高供暖和制冷效益. 上角, summer-west -, 冬季朝北的房间可能是供暖和/或制冷最耗能的房间,所以考虑最后预订这些房间.
      • 为客人提供放弃日常换布的选择,并提醒他们关闭电器, sharing with them how these steps are helping your business 和/or the environment.
      • 无论是前台还是商务中心的电脑显示器,如果一直开着,都会浪费能源. Updating those “sleep” settings can save $10 to $30 a year per monitor, 和 even up to $45 per year for whole-computer settings.
      • Cover pools 和 hot tubs after hours to limit heat loss. This can save 50 to 70 percent of that equipment’s energy use, 所需化妆水的30%到50%, 和 35 to 60 percent of chemicals required.

    For more about foodservice 和 lodging programs offered by PSE visit zqzhiye.com/foodservice 和 zqzhiye.com/lodging.

  • 景观

    节能绿化 降低每年的能源成本. It enhances the efficiency of heating 和 cooling systems, 保护你的家园, 并减少水和维护费用.

    • 在种植新树或其他植被时,选择正确的物种和地点至关重要. Consider the proximity to utility lines 和 restricted areas, 和 consult our 推荐名单 合适的选择. 如有疑问,请发电子邮件 vegetationmanagement@zqzhiye.com 或致电1-888-225-5773.
    • Identify underground gas 和 electrical facilities before planting to prevent hazards. Contact the Utility Notification Center at 811 before digging.